Business Type: Dog Grooming

Key Processes:

  • Pricing

  • Onboarding

  • Scheduling

  • Communication

  • Pick Up

  • Payment

  • Client Management

  • Client Nurturing

  • Business Marketing


Wolf & Owl has spoken with both dog owners and dog grooming business owners and learned where the key processes tend to fail and create more work than needed. Owners which can manage these processes efficiently often find that their customers notice and recommend others, which in turn grows the business.


  • It is hard to give precise cost estimates especially if you haven’t seen the dog before. The dog’s breed and size is not enough information. This makes customers decision making process difficult as they would like to know a price before choosing a provider.


  • Dog Grooming business are often required to capture up to date vaccination records for each dog in their care. This simple request is often done via manual paper processes.

  • Along with vaccination records each dog is slightly unique based on their temperament, size, and needs. So being able to capture this and remember this information is key to a happy dog owner’s experience with your business.

  • Dog Owners and their pets are families, it is important to understand any health issues up front so you can best service their family member.


  • Tied with both items above, each new dog could potentially be different, basing scheduling solely based on breed and size may lead to issues.

  • Online booking competes with walk ins, how do you correctly manage your schedule if you allow both to occur?

  • How do you prevent or reduce the number of clients cancelling?


  • Dog owners will find you online, or get your information from a friend, this means phone calls, text messages, chat messages, or walk ins.

  • If you are an owner/groomer this means potential missed opportunities or unhappy customers.

  • Often most clients are looking for simple information but prefer to speak to a human rather than hunt for information on a website.

Pick Up

  • Messaging dog owners that their pet is ready to be picked up is a core process, but can quickly become a headache if you don’t have the right system.


  • Taking in person payments is key to running a physical store front, however, clients may prefer to pay online or using Tap To Pay, are you set up to handle these requests?

Client Management

  • Do you know who your clients are? Who is your most loyal customer? Or who needs to be reminded to schedule a visit because they haven’t been back in a while?

  • How do you keep track of a dog’s preferences? Or health issues?

  • How do you know how a dog behaved in their last visit?

Client Nurturing

  • Dog owners want their dogs to look their best but often get swamped with life, simple reminders are often appreciated and will lead to more revenue.

  • Who do you remind? Or When? That’s a lot of work to do manually.

Business Marketing

  • How do you grow your business with new clients?

  • How do people learn about your business?


Wolf & Owl can help you solve any of the main problems above.

Oftentimes businesses may just need help in one area and Wolf & Owl will look at your current processes and recommend or implement a solution that saves you time and is maintainable.

In some cases, you may be ready for a full end to end upgrade of your processes in this situation there are a few options. Wolf & Owl can recommend ready built platforms, help onboard you, train you, and configure all processes so that you are ready to go and can see value. Or Wolf & Owl can help create custom systems for your unique needs.

Reach out now to schedule a call and get your business streamlined.